Kamis, 18 September 2014

Daily postcard #113: a little hope

watercolor and drawing pen on paper

Seperti yang saya tulis kemarin,
bagi saya, balon itu menjelma harapan.
Yang berwarna - warni, yang kita pegang erat.
And this little baby holding a baloon, is like a hope instead.
minggu kemarin saya baru tahu kalau ada kista di ovarium saya.
ia diam-diam mengajak berteman dan telah berdiam lama hingga tumbuh cukup besar.
well, it give me chills. it make me sad.
Actually i dont really like kids, they make me scare.
But in the future, not now, i do want have one, or maybe two. girl or maybe boy.
well well.
it's still a long way to go to talk about kid when i'm not even married yet.
But, maybe it's alright for me to hold this little hope.

for further information please contact me at

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